Functions of the office (in brief)
(1) To issue Press Releases, Rejoinders (when necessary) and news/photographs to the newspapers, news agencies and other electronic media. The Press Releases may be either on the basis of any important decision by the University authority, any important announcement such as : date of examination, admission, etc. or on the basis of seminars, symposia, any other function (such as: freshers receptions, farewell, prizes/awards distribution, certificate giving ceremony etc.).
(2) To publish Annual Reports of the University (which includes academic, research and administrative activities of the University for every academic year), yearly Pocket Diaries, Wall and Desk Calendars and other occassional booklets and leaflets.
(3) To publish a quarterly news bulletin of the University in Bengali named Dhaka Vishyavidyalaya Barta (Dhaka University News).
(4) To prepare paper-clippings with the news items, views and writings concerned with the University or education, published in the important national dailies of the country and maintain the same in the office.
(5) To take photographs of various functions of the University by the Photographers of the office and arrange publish the important ones in the newspapers and make coverage through electronic media.
(6) To maintain contact with the media people and extend co-operation to them.
(7) To perform other duties as and when assigned by the higher authorities.