Core activities of the office mentioned below in a nutshel :-
1. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations.
2 Announcement of date of filling up of Entry Forms, Submission of Fees and receiving of Entry Forms.
3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.
4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets etc. and supplying it to the respective Halls and Colleges/Institutes.
5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Exams Centers,Colleges and Institutes.
6. Appointment of Invigilators, performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.
7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.
8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.
9. Drafting of Tabulation sheet and sending it to the respective Chairman of the Examination Committees for their approval then the copy is prepared according to the approved Draft and then it is sent to the Press for printing.
10. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet is compared with Entry Forms of each student with proper care for a little correction. Then it is sent to the respective Chairman of the Examination Committees for preparation of result by the tabulators.
11. Arrangement of publication of result in time and supplying it to the relevant Departments, Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections.
12. Preparing of Mark sheets, Provisonal Certificate/Diploma as desired.
13. Permission to submit fees.
14. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Marks Certificates, Diplomas etc.
15. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.
16. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.
17. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.
18. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.
Location of important service points/sections:
Room No. 308 : Mark Sheet Preparation, Permission, Delivery & Transcript report.
Room No. 309 : Diploma/Provisional Certificates preparation and delivery, Varification report of Certificates and store.
Room No. 310 : Traditional Examination Preparation of the faculty of Medicine, Post Graduate Medical Science & research and affiliated/Constituent Colleges/Institutes. Declaration of Examination schedule, Entry form fill up & Deposit fees, issuance of Admit cards/Duplicate Admit cards and the correction of Name . etc.
M.Phil & Ph.D (research related activities), Certificate/Mark Sheet/ correction etc application form collection, permission to deposit fees and Certificate delivery.
Room No. 311 : Tabulation Sheets preparation and printing.
Room No. 330 : Examination Bill Section.
Room No. 338 : Course Final Examination Preparation of the faculty of Science,Biological Science,Pharmacy & Related Institutes. Declaration of Examination schedule, Entry form fill up & Deposit of fees, issuance of Admit cards. etc.
Room No. 339 : Course Final Examination Preparation of the faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, Law & Related Institutes. Declaration of Examination schedule, Entry form fill up & Deposit of fees, issuance of Admit cards/Duplicate Admit cards and the correction of Name . etc.