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Dr. K M Azam Chowdhury

Associate Professor & Director
International Centre for Ocean Governance

After the delimitation of maritime boundary with Myanmar in 2012 and with India in 2014 the authority of University of Dhaka came forward to establish the Department of Oceanography in 2012 and the International Centre for Ocean Governance (ICOG) in 2017. We have started the capacity enhancement in oceanographic sector especially for the young faculty members and students through continuous training, workshop, seminars and exchange of visits. ICOG has started participating in number of cruises as a part of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) in the Bay of Bengal from 2016 (unofficially) having joint research collaboration with the Department of Oceanography of Dhaka University using Bangladesh Navy ships. Efforts are being taken continuously to have research collaboration with other universities and research institutes in home and abroad. We have already signed MoU with many reputed universities and research organizations all over the world to train our young scientists in order to build the skilled manpower in oceanographic sector who would be the driving force for the blue economic growth of Bangladesh.

In recent years, Bangladesh Government has taken steps for implementing strategy for Blue Economy growth. The Blue Economy approach could significantly contribute towards eradication of poverty, contributing to food security, mitigation and adaptation of climate change and generation of sustainable livelihoods. Blue Economy requires a balanced approach between conservation, development and utilization of marine and coastal ecosystems, all oceanic resources and services with a view to enhance their value and generates decent employment, secure productive marine economy and healthy marine ecosystems. The blue economic emerging sectors such as shipping and port facilities, seaborne trade, fisheries, hydrocarbon, shipping, coastal tourism, aquaculture, renewable energy etc. would add extra 3 to 4% to GDP if managed properly with a state-of-the-art blue economic management plan, policy and strategy