Dear Sir/Madam/Colleagues/Students
Greetings from Monira Parveen, Chairperson of the Department of Dance, University of Dhaka. I am writing to let you know that an International Symposium has been hosted by the Department of Dance, Faculty of Arts of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh on 11-13 July 2024, organized by Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia MAAGSA, a study group of International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance ICTMD. The theme of this symposium is ‘The Climate Crisis and its Impact on The Arts’ (Dance, Poetry, Drama, Music, Visual Arts with Other Issues from Contemporary and Historical Perspectives).
I am highly requesting you to circulate this Poster/Link on your Department/Institute /University for submitting their papers. Interested Teachers/Students/Researchers are requested to visit the link where the Abstract deadline is February 2, 2024. The papers presented in conjunction with the study group symposium will be in English and Bengali.
“The Climate Crisis and its Impact on the Arts”. We encourage individual papers and panels that address this theme as well as a wide range of other issues concerning South Asian music and allied arts. (Dance, Poetry, Drama, Music, Visual Arts with other Issues) from Contemporary and Historical Perspectives.
We especially welcome contributions that consider the position of such arts or their makers, within broader contexts of interaction including but not limited to conservation, migration, globalization, diaspora studies, digital media and sensual or ideological encounters in the course of performance.
3.1 Individual Research Papers
Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes inclusive of illustrations and examples, plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. The Program Committee will organize individual proposals that have been accepted into thematically related sessions. Please submit an abstract of 150-200 words to describe the topic, the research on which it is based and its relevance to the theme and the region of the goals of the study group more broadly.
3.2 Round-table/ Panel Discussions
Round-table refer to the sessions featuring discussion related to one of the symposium themes. They are prepared and coordinated by a group of three to four participants, one of whom serves as the responsible convener. A round table of 60 minutes starts with a short statement by each participant, followed by a coordinated exchange of arguments by the participants. At the convener’s description, the audience can be asked to take an active part in the discussion. The convener should submit a (150-200) word proposal with its aims and each participant will submit individual abstracts on (150-200) words with title the roles of the individual participants.
3.3 Poster Sessions
We are also encouraged to present the poster sessions of each presenter on the theme of the symposium. Please submit an abstract of (150-200) words indicating the concept of the Poster.
3.4 Film Screening with Q&A
We also encourage proposals for film presentations related to symposium in various branches of Arts. Please submit an abstract of (150-200) words indicating the length and the content of the film.
3.5 Lecture Demonstrations
Lecture demonstration refer to the related on the theme. Local or overseas academic expert or trainers will propose the idea and submit the abstract of (150-200) words and 60 minutes are encouraged.
4. Proposals
Proposals should include the data related to the submitter for submission the abstract. Please fill up the required data like: First name, Last name, Address (Number and Street), Slate or Province, Country, Institutional Affiliation, Email, I am a member of ICTMD (Yes/No) Paper Title, Single Abstract Submission (150-200) words. Organized panel abstract (your Answer) (4 papers) Organized panel abstract, Presenter – 1, 2, 3, and 4, Presenter – Abstract Submission, Include Paper title, abstract, Presenter 1. 2. 3. 4 Name and Institutional Affiliation, and required technical equipment. Proposals of (150-200) words should be sent to link of the abstract submission. Financial Assistance, Local Link:
The reviewing process of the proposals will be anonymous. Please note that each participant is limited to a single presentation. Notification of decision by April 1, 2024.
v Professor Richard Kent Wolf Chair, ICTMD Study Group, Harvard University, USA.
v Professor Brita Heimarck, Co-Chair, ICTMD Study Group, Boston University, USA.
v Professor Natalie Sarrazin, Secretary, ICTMD Study Group, State University of New York.
v Professor Dr. Abdul Bashir, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka.
v Monira Parveen, Chairperson, Department of Dance, University of Dhaka
v Dr. Sayeem Rana, Liaison Officer ICTMD and Associated Professor, Department of Music, University of Dhaka.
Best Regards
Monira Parveen
Department of Dance
University of Dhaka
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.