Research & Publication (Department of Sociology)
Book (19)
1 Jahangir Alam Society and Sociology in Bangladesh, A South Asian Perspective. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 2024 .
2 Samina Luthfa, Tanzimuddin Khan and Munasir Kamal The Bangladesh Environmental Humanities Reader: Environmental Justice, Developmental Victimhood and Resistance. Maryland: Lexington, 2022 .
3 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim Bangalee Nationalism and the Emergence of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Hawlader Prokashoni, 2019 .
4 Professor Dr. nehal Karim The Emergence of Nationalism in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Alokpat Prakashan, 2019 .
5 Salma Akhter, subsequent co author of chapter 43 Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations,. Palgrave, USA, 2017, 2017 .
6 Abul Kashem Mohammad Jamal Uddin Renaissance of A Nation for Democracy-Bangladesh Trajectory of Movement and Revolution,. Dhaka: Intamin Prokashon, 2017 .
7 M. Anwar Hossen Water Policy and Governance in Asia: Empowering Rural Communities. London and New York: Routledge, 2017 .
8 Zahid Arefeen Chowdhury, Samina Luthfa and Kaberi Gayen Vulnerable Empowerment: Understanding Capabilities and Vulnerabilities of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, 2016 .
9 M. Anwar Hossen Water and Ecological Resource Governance. Edited Volume. London: Bandung: Journal of The Global South, 2016 .
10 Md. Jahangir Alam Slum Dwellers Health Care: Provisions, Preferences and Challenges. 2011 .
11 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim Sociological Perspectives on Bangladesh. Dhaka: Genious Publications, 2011 .
12 Mahmuda Khatun Encountering Men’s Unmet Need for Family Planning: Recognizing the Unrecognized. Saarbrucken. Lap-Lambert Publishing, 2010 .
13 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda Problem of Middle Class and Nationalism in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangla Bazar, Dhaka: Provati Prokashani., 2008 .
14 M. I. Khan, Mahmuda Khatun and M. Rahman Preparing for Future: Voices from within Sylhet Division. Dhaka: National Institute of Population Research and Training and Siam Health Care, 2008 .
15 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda, Rangalal Sen and Shishir Ghose Paribartansheel Samaj. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 2008 .
16 co author Unbroken Silence: A participatory study on Indigenous Societies in Northwestern Bangladesh,. Dhaka: RDC, 2006 .
17 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim Exploitation, Domination & Alienation: The Genesis of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Osmania Library, 1994 .
18 Rasheda Irshad Nasir 1. Nritattic Chinta. Jamuna Press, 1992 .
19 আবুল কাশেম মোহাম্মদ জামাল উদ্দীন and তরিকুল ইসলাম সমসাময়িক সমাজবিজ্ঞানের তত্ত [Contemporary Sociological Theories]. ঢাকা: কবির পাবলিকেশন্স, ২০১৬ .
Book Section (45)
1 Samina Luthfa and Wasifa Tasnim Shamma "Social and Political Movements in Bangladesh." Society and Sociology in Bangladesh: A South Asian Perspective. S Halim, ASM A Ullah, R I Nasir Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 2024 .
2 Lipon Mondal "Bangladesh’s Goal Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Cities: A Critical Investigation." Society and Sociology in Bangladesh: A South Asian Perspective. Sadeka Halim et al. Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2024 414-442 .
3 Samina Luthfa "Can Female Performers be Heard?: Her Stories in Theatre of Bangladesh (1950s-2010s)." Women Performers in Bengal and Bangladesh Caught up in the Culture of South Asia (1795-2010s). Manujendra Kundu (ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023 196-218 .
4 Lipon Mondal and Lutfun Nahar Lata "The Question of ‘Land Justice’ in Urban Bangladesh." (Forthcoming) In The Politics of Urban Land in South Asia: Current Challenges and New Directions. Urmi Sengupta et al. London: Routledge, 2023 .
5 Samina Luthfa "Resisting a Coal Mine in Bangladesh and Immigrants in the United Kingdom: the new agent/actors in transnational environmental politics." The Bangladesh Environmental Humanities Reader: environmental justice, developmental victimhood and resistance. S Luthfa, TU Khan and M Kamal (Eds.) Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022 59-72 .
6 Samina Luthfa, Tanzim Uddin Khan and Munasir Kamal "Introduction." The Bangladesh Environmental Humanities Reader: environmental justice, developmental victimhood and resistance. Samina Luthfa, Tanzmuddin Khan, Munasir Kamal (Eds.) Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022 1-18 .
7 Samina Luthfa "Neo-Liberal Agenda and Gender: The Case of Mandi Women." Neo-liberal [Development]: People in the Margins.. T. Khan and S. Rahman (Eds.) Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2020 .
8 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Selected Letters Written to Abdul Karim Shahityabisharad (in Bangla)." Alokpat, 2018 .
9 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Selected Letters Written to Ahmed Sharif (2 volumes) in Bangla." Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2018 .
10 Mahmuda Khatun (contributor) "Women’s Empowerment and Health Seeking Behavior." Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014. Dhaka and Rockville: National Institute of Population Research and Training, Mitra and Associates, and ICF International, 2016 187-200 .
11 Salma Akhter, author of a chapter "Status of Women in Bangladesh from the Universal Human Rights Perspectives." Bangladesh’s Development Perspectives. Dhaka: Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2016 .
12 Professor Dr. nehal Karim "Literature and other Issues (in Bangla, collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Shongrokkhon Prokashon, 2016 .
13 Mahmuda Khatun "Labor Migration: A Survival Design for Global or Locals of Bangladesh." Labor Migration in the context of Globalization: Challenges and Perspectives. Arun Kumar Achraya, Bishnu Charan Banik, and Smita Verma (Ed.) Mexico: The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon Press., 2015 27-44 .
14 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Problems in Politics (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mohakal, 2014 .
15 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Thoughts on Society (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mohakal, 2014 .
16 Author of one chapter "Violence Against Women in Asia-An Issue Of Human Security." Utilisation of Anthropological Knowledge in Development. Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi. Bangladesh, 2013 .
17 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Bangla, Bangalee, Bangladesh (in Bangla, collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mohakal, 2013 .
18 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Celebrated Personalities (in Bangle, collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Vivas, 2013 .
19 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Bangla, Bangalee, Bangladesh (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mohakal, 2013 .
20 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Remembered Personalities (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Vivas, 2013 .
21 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "Woman Emancipation and Global Thoughts (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Genius, 2011 .
22 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Nationalism” (in Bangla)." Dhaka: Krishnochura Prokashoni, 2011 .
23 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Freedom of Women and Global Thoughts” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Genious Publications, 2011 .
24 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Literature of Baul and Sufis” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Annesha Prakashani, 2010 .
25 Professor Dr. Nehal karim "“Controversy Regarding Bangla Language” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Parijat Prakashani, 2010 .
26 Mahmuda Khatun (contributor) "Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007." Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007. Dhaka and Calverton: National Institute of Population Research and Training, Mitra and Associates, and Macro International., 2009 197-214 .
27 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "'' Reflection of Thoughts "-(in Bangla-Diary of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Jagriti Publications, 2009 .
28 Professor Dr, Nehal Karim "" Atiya Baghmar Commemoration Volume"." Dhaka: Papyrus, 2009 .
29 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "" Education, Culture and Progress (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Biddya Prakash, 2009 .
30 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“ Origin of Culture and Society (In Bangla: subject wise collection of Dr.Ahmed Sharif),." Dhaka: Biddaya Prakash, 2008 .
31 author of one chapter "Women and Health: Persistence of inequalities and its remedies." Gender and Health. Edited volume CIDA and UGC, 2006 .
32 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Talents of Bengal (in Bangla-writings on literary legends of Bangla literature by Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Anonnya Prakashan, 2005 .
33 Professor Dr Nehal Karim "“Humanism and Secularism” (In Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Sandesh, 2004 .
34 Professor Dr, Nehal Karim "“Fundamentalism and Communalism” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Papyrus, 2004 .
35 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Nationalism, Democracy and Politics” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Professor Dhaka: Anonnya Prakashan, 2004 .
36 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Unpublished Essays ” (in Bangla: collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Professor Dr. Nehal Karim Dhaka: Anonnya Prakashan, 2004 .
37 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Analysis of Nazrul: From the Different Perspective” (in Bangla: collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mowla Brothers, 2004 .
38 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Thoughts on Culture” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Subarna, 2004 .
39 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Theory of Literature and Bangla Literature” (In Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Thank you Message, 2004 .
40 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Analysis of Bankim: In Different Perspective” (In Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Mowla Brothers, 2003 .
41 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Thoughts on Rabindranath” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Somoy Prakashan, 2001 .
42 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim "“Social Thoughts and History” (in Bangla: subject wise collection of essays of Dr. Ahmed Sharif)." Dhaka: Mowla Brothers, 2001 .
43 Ahmed Al-Sabir, Sharifa Begum, Andrew Kantner, S.K. Bhadra, and Mahmuda Khatun "Family Planning Program Performance in Bangladesh: A Method Specific Overview of the Past Decades and Future Prospects." Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1993/94 Extended Analysis. Andrew Kantner, Ahmed Al-Sabir and Nitai Chakroborti (eds.) Dhaka and Hawaii: National Institute of Population Research and Training and East West Center, 1996 95-117 .
44 Lipon Mondal "Bengal Famine, 1943-1944." Natural Hazards and Disasters: From Avalanches and Climate Change to Water Spouts and Wildfires. Paul, B.K. Los Angeles: Broomfield, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2020 10-14 .
45 সামিনা লুৎফা "বাংলাদেশে তৈরী-পোশাক শ্রমিকের জীবন ও কর্মক্ষেত্র: রাষ্ট্র ও পুঁজির বিপরীতে শ্রমজীবি নারীর আপোস-রফা ও লড়াইগাঁথা." ইতিহাসে নারীঃ দক্ষিণ এশিয়া প্রসঙ্গ. Dhaka: বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ, 2022 .
Journal Article (208)
1 Lipon Mondal : The Urban Logic of Dispossession and Nomadism in Neoliberal Bangladesh (forthcoming), International Journal of Comparative Sociology (impact factor:2.9) SAGE , 2024 .
2 Samina Luthfa : Artworks as Protest after Rana Plaza Collapse: Frames, Emotions, and Injustices in the Workers’ Rights Movement in Bangladesh, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.68 , no.December 2023 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , 2023 .
3 Kim Usher, Debra Jackson, Humayun Kabir, Rikki Jones, Joe Miller, Rachel Peake and Reakeeta Smallwood : Preventative health assessments and indigenous people of Australia: A scoping review, Frontiers in Public Health (impact factor:5.2) , vol.11 Frontiers , pp.1-13 , 2023 .
4 Humayun Kabir, Navjot Bhullar, Md Shahidul Islam, Kim Usher, Md Ershadul Haque and Myfanwy Maple : Prevalence and risk factors of physical and psychological health among the readymade garment (RMG) workers in Bangladesh, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (impact factor:4) Taylor & Francis , 2023 .
5 Humayun Kabir, Sarah Wayland and Myfanwy Maple : Qualitative research in suicidology: a systematic review of the literature of low-and middle-income countries, BMC Public Health (impact factor:4.5) , vol.23 , no.918 Springer Nature , pp.1-14 , 2023 .
6 Lipon Mondal : The Political Economy of Land Expropriation in Bangladesh, Urban Studies (impact factor:4.9) SAGE , pp.1-19 , 2022 .
7 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Kim Usher, Myfanwy Maple, Md Shahidul Islam : The Paradoxical Impacts of the Minimum Wage Implementation on Ready-made Garment (RMG) Workers: A Qualitative Study, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics , vol.65 Springer Nature , pp.545–569 , 2022 .
8 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Kim Usher, Myfanwy Maple, Md Shahidul Islam : A qualitative study of the working conditions in the readymade garment industry and the impact on workers’ health and wellbeing, Environmental and Occupational Health Practice , vol.4 , no.1 Japan Society for Occupational Health , pp.1-12 , 2022 .
9 Dr. Humayun Kabir : Experiences of conducting research with vulnerable and disempowered participants in a developing country: Perspectives from a novice researcher, Qualitative Health Research (impact factor:4.233) , vol.32 , no.5 Sage , pp.823-830 , 2022 .
10 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Myfanwy Maple, Md Shahidul Islam, Kim Usher : Prevalence of Suicide Thoughts and Behaviours among Female Garment Workers Who Survived the Rana Plaza Collapse: An In-Depth Inquiry, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:4.156) , vol.18 , no.12 MDPI , pp.1-15 , 2021 .
11 Habib, S. E. and Sharmila, N. : Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Dengue: A Study among the Inhabitants of Malibagh of Dhaka city, Bangladesh., Journal of Social Behaviour and Community Health , vol.5 , no.1 School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Iran , pp.630-640 , 2021 .
12 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Professor Myfanwy Maple and Professor Kim Usher : The impact of COVID-19 on Bangladeshi readymade garment (RMG) workers, Journal of Public Health (impact factor:5.058) , vol.43 , no.1 The Oxford University Press , pp.47-52 , 2021 .
13 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Syadani Riyad Fatema, Saiful Hoque, Jesmin Ara, Myfanwy Maple : Risks of HIV/AIDS Transmission: A Study on the Perceptions of the Wives of Migrant Workers of Bangladesh, Journal of International Women's Studies (impact factor:0.56) , vol.21 , no.6 Bridgewater State University, USA , pp.453-474 , 2020 .
14 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Myfanwy Maple, Md Shahidul Islam, Kim Usher : The current health and wellbeing of the survivors of the Rana plaza building collapse in Bangladesh: A qualitative study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:4.614) , vol.16 , no.13 MDPI , pp.1-21 , 2019 .
15 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Professor Myfanwy Maple, Professor Kim Usher and Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam : Health vulnerabilities of readymade garment (RMG) workers: a systematic review, BMC Public Health (impact factor:4.135) , vol.19 , no.70 Springer Nature , pp.1-20 , 2019 .
16 Samina Luthfa : Showcasing Environmental Justice Movements from the South: comparing the role of media in Bangladesh, Society and Culture in South Asia , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.290-328 , 2019 .
17 M. Anwar Hossen and Andrew Allan : Governance Challenges in Addressing Climatic Concerns in Coastal Asia and Africa, (impact factor:2.80) , vol.11 , no.3 , 2019 .
18 Mullick, Md Reaz Akter and Ridwan Mohammed Nur, Md Jahangir Alam, and KM Ashraful Islam : Observed trends in temperature and rainfall in Bangladesh using pre-whitening approach., Global and Planetary Change, ELSEVIER (impact factor:4.10) , vol.172 , pp.104-113 , 2019 .
19 Dr. Humayun Kabir, Myfanwy Maple, Syadani Riyad Fatema : Vulnerabilities of Women Workers in the Readymade Garment Sector of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Rana Plaza, Journal of International Women's Studies (impact factor:0.56) , vol.19 , no.6 Bridgewater State University, USA , pp.224-235 , 2018 .
20 Sujit Malo 2. Mahmuda Khatun : Living Capacity and the Socio-economic Deprivation of the Tea Workers in Habiganj District, Journal of Social Studies , vol.159 , pp.72-88 , 2018 .
21 Debasish Kumar Kundu, Aarti Gupta, Arthur. P.J. Mol, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman and Doris van Halem : Experimenting with a novel technology for provision of safe drinking water in rural Bangladesh: The case of sub-surface arsenic removal (SAR), Technology in Society (impact factor:1.67) , vol.53 , pp.161-172 , 2018 .
22 Md. Jahangir Alam : Rapid urbanization and changing land values in mega cities: implications for housing development projects in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bandung Journal of the Global South, Springer Open , vol.5 , no.2 , 2018 .
23 Ashraful Islam and Md. Jahangir Alam and T. M. Abdullah-Al- Fuad : Child Homicide in Bangladesh: A Statistical Profile, International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences , vol.6 , no.3 , pp.73-84 , 2018 .
24 Wasifa Tasnim Shamma : ‘Women’s Mobility, Mental Mapping & Margin of Freedom: Case of Women Working in New Service Sectors of Dhaka City’, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (hum) , vol.62 , no.2 , pp.pp:233-249 , 2017 .
25 Eyemoon, E. J. : Women as Food Producers: A Comparison with Male Counterpart, Journal of Advanced Research in Social Science and Humanities , vol.3 , no.12 , pp.1-13 , 2017 .
26 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Whether Religious Fanaticism Leads to Terrorism?, The Journal of Sociology, University of Dhaka , vol.Volume7 , no.Issue 2 July-December, 2016 , pp.99-108 , 2017 .
27 Samina Luthfa : Transnational Ties and Reciprocal Tenacity: Resisting mining in Bangladesh with transnational coalition” In: February 2017, Sociology, Vol 51(1) (impact factor:2.537) , pp.127-145 , 2017 .
28 Md. Jahangir Alam and Mohammad Mahbub Quaisar : Urban Environment in Slum and Squatter Settlement in megacity Dhaka, Journal of Socciology , vol.7 , no.2 Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka , pp.41-50 , 2016 .
29 A K M Jamal Uddin : Rights of the Workers in Informal Sectors in Bangladesh: A Sociological Viewpoint, Journal of Sociology ,Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 7 , no.Issue 1, January-June 2016 , 2016 .
30 A K M Jamal Uddin : ক্ষমতা, ডিসকোর্স এবং জ্ঞান: মিশেল ফুঁকোর ভাবনা [Power, Discourse and Knowledge: The Views of Michel Foucault], In Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, ( Yearly Bengali Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center) , vol.Vol. XIX , 2016 .
31 Debasish Kumar Kundu, Arthur .P.J. Mol and Aarti Gupta : Failing Arsenic Mitigation Technology in Rural Bangladesh: Explaining Stagnation in Niche Formation of the Sono Filter, Water Policy (impact factor:1.011) , vol.18 , no.6 , pp.1490- 1507 , 2016 .
32 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : 1. Globalization and Women Empowerment in Higher Education in Bangladesh: A Sociological Analysis. In Social Science Review,, , vol.33,No-2 , no.December 2016 , 2016 .
33 Mohammad Ashraful Alam and Mohammad Jahangir and Md. Jahangir Alam : “Nature & Causes of Prostitution in Bangladesh: A Case of Goalanda Ghat Brothel, Rajbari”, The Journal of Sociology , vol.7 , no.3, January-June , pp.35-51 , 2016 .
34 Debasish Kumar Kundu and 6. Islam, Lamia : Transformation of power in rural power structure of Bangladesh: An outlook from 1960s to 2000s, The Journal of Social Studies , vol.150 , pp.31-49. , 2016 .
35 Md. Jahangir Alam : Peripheral land conversion for land and housing development projects and its impacts upon the affected people: a study in Greater Dhaka, International Journal of Sustainable Society , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.73-89 , 2016 .
36 Abul Kashem Mohammad Jamal Uddin : Political Economy of the Disaster Management in Bangladesh, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center , vol.Vol. 7 , no.Issue 2, July-December 2016 , 2016 .
37 আ.ক.ম জামাল উদ্দীন : ডেভিড হার্ভের পূজির সঞ্চায়ন তত্ত্ব: একটি পর্যালোচনা [The Capital Accumulation Theory of David Hervey: A Critical Analysis], Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 7, , no.Issue 2, July-December 2016 , 2016 .
38 Debasish Kumar Kundu and B. Van Vliet; A. Gupta : The consolidation of deep tube well technology in safe drinking water provision: the case of arsenic mitigation in rural Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. doi: 10.1080/19761597.2016.1190286 , 2016 .
39 Debasish Kumar Kundu and A. Gupta; A.P.J.Mol; M. Nasreen : Framing social acceptability of arsenic safe technologies in rural Bangladesh: A user-oriented analysis, Water Policy. 18 (2): 318–334. doi: 10.2166/wp.2015.026 , 2016 .
40 Debasish Kumar Kundu and Islam, Lamia : Who rules Bangladesh? An analysis of power actors and power networks, 1973- 2014,, Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.6 (2) , pp.177- 190 , 2016 .
41 Samina Luthfa : [In Bengali] "Phulbari andolon: protirodhershokti (Phulbari movement: the strength of resistance)"., Sarbojonkotha , pp.54-63 , August 2015 .
42 Samina Luthfa : [In Bengali] Rana Plaza Bhaban Dhas and Sompadito chuktisomuher Porjalochona” (Rana Plaza building collapse and new policies: an analysis), Sarbajankotha , pp.27-30 , May 2015 .
43 A K M Jamal Uddin : Impact of the Low Wages on the Health and Nutritional Status of RMGWorkers in Bangladesh, Journal of Business Administration,University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , no.August 2015 , 2015 .
44 ড. ফাতেমা রেজিনা : মানবপ্রেমী আহমেদ শরীফ ও অন্যান্য প্রসঙ্গ, উচ্চতর সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান গবেষণা কেন্দ্র, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 2015 .
45 Samina Luthfa : Debunking the Myths of Indigenous Knowledge: towards a political ecology of the Mandi of Madhupur, Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.), 59(1) , pp.211-237 , 2014 .
46 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Leif Jensen : Reintroducing Moral Community: A New Beginning to Promote Justice for Environmental Refugee, Malaysian Journal of Research , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.45-55 , 2014 .
47 A K M Jamal Uddin : Myths and Reality of War Crimes and Genocide in Liberation War of Bangladesh: A Study on Some Villages of Bogra and Naogoan District, Journal of Social Studies , 41 , no.January- March 2014 , 2014 .
48 Mir Tamanna Siddika 2. Mahmuda Khatun : Re-reading Muslim Women’s Rights in Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.59 , no.2 , pp.323-341 , 2014 .
49 A K M Jamal Uddin : The Training Needs Assessment of the Street Children Program Operation in Bangladesh. In Society and Change, Journal of the Organisation for Social Development and Research-OSDER, ISSN 1997 1052 , no.January-March, 2013 , 2014 .
50 Mohammad Morad and Shahabul Haque and Md. Jahangir Alam : “Contextualizing Formation of Diaspora of Bangladeshi Immigrants in the UK”, Research in Social Change , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.103-128 , 2014 .
51 Md Jahangir Alam and Reaz Akter Mullick : Climate change effects upon massive land and housing development, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (impact factor:.757) , vol.6 , no.3 , pp.315-331 , 2014 .
52 Md. Jahangir Alam : The organized encroachment of land developers”—Effects on urban flood management in Greater Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sustainable Cities and Society, ELSEVIER (impact factor:4.62) , vol.10 , pp.49-58 , 2014 .
53 Samina Luthfa and Shahadat Hossen : After Rana Plaza: Why were NGOs left to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza Factory collapse?, Open Democracy - free thinking for the world , 2014 .
54 Salma Akhter : Economic Dimensions of Human Security, The Dhaka University Studies, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. , 2013 .
55 Sajal Roy, Wasifa Tasnim Shamma and Sazzad Hossain Khan : Exploring perceptions of Mangrove Forest "Sundarbans" goers’ Women about Environmental Security, Macrotheme Review, Paris, France , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.216-232 , 2013 .
56 আ. ক. ম. জামাল উদ্দীন : সংস্কৃতি অধ্যয়ন ও বাংলাদেশে এর প্রাসংগিকতা, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা [ঢাকাবিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ, পার্ট-ডি] , vol.খন্ড ৫ , no.সংখ্যা ৬ পৌষ ১৪১৯ , 2013 .
57 Mahmuda Khatun : Climate Change and Migration in Bangladesh: Golden Bengal to Land of Disasters., Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.64-79 , 2013 .
58 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Globalization of Women Trafficking and Sex Tourism in Bangladesh: A Neglected Discourse. In Social Science Review., , vol.Vol. 30, No. 1 , no.June, 2013 , 2013 .
59 Mohammad Ashraful Alam and Mohammed Jahirul Islam, Abida Sultana and Md. Jahangir Alam (2013) : Girls-Teasing and Suicide: An Explanation on Present Bangladesh Scenario, The Journal of Socioloy , vol.5 , no.2, January -June , pp.21-33 , 2013 .
60 Md. Jahangir Alam and Mokbul Morshed Ahmad : "Public Facilities in Public and Private Housing Projects in Dhaka, Bangladesh", Urban Policy and Research (impact factor:1.286) , vol.2 , no.31 , pp.190-207 , 2013 .
61 Debasish Kumar Kundu and M. Samadder : Bundle of tears versus strength of numbers: A study on gender Justice and group dynamics in Bangladesh., The Journal of Social Studies , vol.137 , pp.56- 75 , 2013 .
62 অধ্যাপক ড. মুহাম্মদ হাবিবুর রহমান : প্রবীণের পঞ্চ-ইন্দ্রিয়: এটি জরােবৈজ্ঞানিক অনুসন্ধান, Center for Advanced research in Social Sciences , 2013 .
63 Salma Akhter : Environmental insecurity, Climate Change and Human Security, Bangladesh, Social Science Review, the Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.vol-31, No-2 , 2013 .
64 Md. Ismail Hossain and Md. Al-Amin and Md. Jahangir Alam : NGO Interventions and Women Development in Bangladesh: Do Feminist Theories Work?”, The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work , vol.46 , no.1 & 2 , pp.13-29 , 2012 .
65 A K M Jamal uddin : Theoretical Strands of Post-structuralism and Post-modernism: A Review of Mitchel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, Social Science Perspective, a compilation Volume of Seminar Papers, Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 10 , no.October 2012 , 2012 .
66 A K M Jamal Uddin, SM Manzoor-E-Khoda and SharminTamanna : The Experience of Unskilled Female Migrants and Its Impact on their Socio-economic Status in Bangladesh., The Journal of Social Studies,Special Issue on Mapping Female Emancipation , no.No. 134, April-June 2012 , 2012 .
67 Mahmuda Khatun : The Quest for Reaching Replacement level of Fertility in Bangladesh and Italy: Issues and Considerations, Population Review , vol.51 , no.2 , pp.85-101 , 2012 .
68 Mahmuda Khatun : Higher Education and Civil Society: Compatibility Reexamined, Educational Research and Review , vol.7 , no.5 , pp.121-126 , 2012 .
69 Md. Jahangir Alam and Abul Kalam Azad : Shifting Approaches to Sustainable Development: Morality as an Alternative Pillar The Case of Developing Countries, The Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.2, July-December , pp.127-152 , 2012 .
70 Md. Jahangir Alam and Taslima Rahman, Musfiqa Ashraf and Abul Kalam Azad : “Combating Air Pollution through Environmental Management Measures: The Case of Developing Countries”, The Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.1, January- June , pp.29-39 , 2012 .
71 Mohammad Ashraful Alam and Amit Sarker and Md. Jahangir Alam : “Innocent Victimization of Cyber and Social Networking Crime: An Empirical Assessment among the Graduate Students of Tangail”, Journal of Society & Change , vol.6 , no.3 , pp.37-67, July-September , 2012 .
72 Debasish Kumar Kundu and T.B.Das : Combating Sexual Harassment in Educational Institutions: Shifting the Status Quo from Disparity to Equality, The Journal of Social Studies , vol.134 , pp.65-78 , 2012 .
73 ফাতেমা রেজিনা : আহমদ শরীফের নারী-ভাবনা, গোবিন্দ দেব দর্শন গবেষণা কেন্দ্র , 2012 .
74 Md. Jahangir Alam and Mokbul Morshed Ahmad : Impacts of Environmental Laws on Land Development and Developers in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.169-188 , 2011 .
75 A K M Jamal Uddin and Hasan Imam Khandaker : Participatory Market Research for Micro Finance of Street ChildrenIn Society and Change, Journal of the Organisation for Social Development and Research-OSDER, ISSN 1997 1052 , vol.Vol. 5 , no.No.2, April-June, 2011 , 2011 .
76 A K M Jamal Uddin : Socio-Economic Impact of Global Climate Change on Human Environment in the Southern Coastal Belt of Bangladesh, The Journal of Arts; Faculty of Arts, Jagannath University , vol.Volume 1 , no.Number 2, , July-December 2011 , 2011 .
77 A K M Jamal Uddin and Sabina Sormin : The Characteristics of Political Culture in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis from the Perspectives of Political Development and Underdevelopment. The Journal of Social Sciences,ISSN 2311-3626Volume 1, Number 1-2, January 2013 Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 2311-3626 , vol.Volume 1 , no.Number 1-2, January 2013 , 2011 .
78 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Mahboob-e-Alam 3. Qamrunnahar Nazneen : Assessing Public-Private Efforts Reproductive Health Efforts to Reach Young Married Couples in Rural Bangladesh, International Quarterly of Community Health Education , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.73-94 , 2011 .
79 Md. Jahangir Alam and Taslima Rahman : “Environmental Management Measures in Developing Countries and Bangladesh Scenario: A Quest for Environmental Protection and Management”, Journal of Society & Change , vol.1 , no.4 , pp.29-36 , 2011 .
80 Debasish Kumar Kundu : Struggling with “flexibility”: A Case on Ethnic Conflict and Citizenship Crisis in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Studies , vol.132 , pp.1-16 , 2011 .
81 Monowar Hosain Mahmood and Salma Akhter : International Briefing: Training and Development in Bangladesh, International journal for technology Diffusion (IJTD) , vol.15:2 , 2011 .
82 Mahmuda Khatun : Child Poverty and Social Exclusion: Is there a Relationship?, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.2 , no.2&3 , pp.95-113 , 2010 .
83 A K M Jamal Uddin and Md. Saidur Rashid Sumon : The Utilization of Annual Development Programme (ADP) fund for National Sanitation Programme: An Assessment in some selected areas in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, (Quarterly Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre,) , vol.Vol. XIX , no.Number I & II, , 2010 .
84 A K M Jamal Uddin, Debashis Kumar Kundu and Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan : Globalisation and Resistance: An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto, Society and Change, Journal of the Organisation for Social Development and Research-OSDER , vol.Vol. IV, , no.No.3, January-March, 2010 , 2010 .
85 A K M Jamal Uddin : Role of Diaspora in Politics and Socio-economic Development in the Home Country, Social Science Review , vol.Vol.27, , no.Part. D, No.1, June, 2010 , 2010 .
86 A K M Jamal Uddin and Paul Bagguley : Macro and Micro Approaches to Political Movements: the Movement for Restoration of Democracy in the 1980s Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Studies , no.No.125, April-June 2010 , 2010 .
87 A K M Jamal Uddin and Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan : Empowerment and Resistance: A Study of Women Refugees as Members of Self-organised Groups in the United Kingdom R, The Journal of Social Studies, Centre for Social Studies [CSS] , no.No.125, January-March 2010 , 2010 .
88 Mahmuda Khatun : Stalling Fertility Transition in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies , vol.11 , pp.75-91 , 2010 .
89 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Role of Civil Society in Combating Corruption in Bangladesh (with A K Azad). In Social Science Review,, , vol.Vol.27, No. 2 , no.December 2010 , pp.pp.01-12 , 2010 .
90 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Military in the Invention of Bangladeshi Nationalism., Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.) , vol.Vol. 55(2) , no.2010 , pp.pp.227-240 , 2010 .
91 Md. Jahangir Alam and Mokbul Morshed Ahmad : Analysing the lacunae in planning and implementation: spatial development of Dhaka city and its impacts upon the built environment, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Taylor and Francis (Taylor and Francis Group) , vol.2 , no.1-2 , pp.85-106 , 2010 .
92 Debasish Kumar Kundu and M. Samadder : Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and gender justice in Bangladesh: Myth and Reality,, Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies , vol.33 , pp.1-16. , 2010 .
93 Kamrul Arefin, M.Z. Mamun and Md. Jahangir Alam : Health Awareness and Knowledge of the Slum Dwellers: A Case Study in Bangladesh, Asian Profile (impact factor:.25) , vol.38 , no.4 , pp.427-435 , 2010 .
94 A K M Jamal uddin, Shah EhsanHabib and Saidur Rashid Sumon : Drug Use and the Vulnerability of Young People to HIV/AIDS: A Need for a Drug Resistance Education Program in Bangladesh, In Social Science Review, [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol.26, , no.No.2 December, 2009 , 2009 .
95 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Sharmin Ahmed : Illegal Immigration in USA: Policy and Demand Dilemma, Journal of Management and Social Sciences , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.163-172 , 2009 .
96 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Gretchen Cornwell : Power Relations and Contraceptive Use: Gender Differentials in Bangladesh, Canadian Social Science , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.1-15 , 2009 .
97 Mahmuda Khatun : The Empowerment of Women: They are Coming Anyway, The Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.24 , no.1&2 , pp.663-680 , 2009 .
98 Mahmuda Khatun 2. A.B.M. Nazmul Islam Khan : Internal Migration in Bangladesh: An Analysis (in Bangla), Samajik Biggan Patrika, Dhaka University Studies Part D , vol.3 , no.3 , pp.27-36 , 2009 .
99 Md. Jahangir Alam and Taslima Rahman and Musfiqa Ashraf : “Benefits from Globalization: Evidence in the Context of Global Interaction”, ‘The Journal of Sociology’ , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.7-14 , 2009 .
100 Professor Dr Zeenat Huda : Role of Media in Disaster Risk Reduction Programme in Bangladesh (with Dr. M Wahiduzzaman), Social Science Review , vol.Vol.27, No. 2, , no.December 2009, , pp.pp.01-11 , 2009 .
101 অদিতি মুসাত : নারী ধর্ষন; প্রতিরোধ ও প্রতিকার, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা , 2009 .
102 Monowar Hossain Mahmood, Salma Akhter : Traffic management system and travel demand management (TDM) strategies: suggestions for urban cities in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, Taiwan. Vol-4, no-2-3, pp-161-178, 2009. , vol.Vol-4, no-2-3 , pp.pp-161-178, , 2009 .
103 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Civil Society and Social Security: Bangladesh Context in V.R Raghavan (ed) Civil Society and Human Security: South and South-west Asian Experience, Centre for Security Analysis (CSA) Macmillan, New Delhi, India, , 2009 .
104 A K M Jamal Uddin and Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan : The Changing Nature of Class Formation under Globalization, , Vol.25, No. 1, June 2008, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Social Science Review, [TheDhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol.25 , no.No. 1, June 2008, , 2008 .
105 Sharmin Ahmed 2. Mahmuda Khatun : Gender Relations in Postmodern Societies: Impact of Globalization on Women’s Position, Journal of Knowledge Globalization , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.109-125 , 2008 .
106 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Role of Women in Bangladesh War of Liberation: Reflections in the Media., Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 25, No.2 , no.December 2008 , pp.pp.143-154 , 2008 .
107 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Role of Mass Media in Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh: Non-Formal Education Perspective (Dr. M. Wahiduzzaman). In Teacher's World, Journal of Education and Research , vol.Vol. 32 , no.June 2008 , pp.pp.33-42 , 2008 .
108 Mahmuda Khatun : Global Crisis in Fertility Theory: What Went Wrong?, Canadian Social Science , vol.4 , no.9-19 , 2008 .
109 Mahmuda Khatun : Conceptualizing Society: Theoretical Claims of Emile Durkheim, Phiolosophy and Progress , vol.XLI-XLII , pp.135-150 , 2008 .
110 A.B.M. Nazmul Islam Khan 2.Kohinoor Akhter Khanam 3. Mahmuda Khatun : Limits of Survival Strategy: A Study on Morbidity Pattern of Waste Pickers in Bangladesh, The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.XXIV , no.2 , pp.249-264 , 2008 .
111 Debasish Kumar Kundu and Nasreen, M : Gender Role of Women in Coping with Monga in the Northern Region of Bangladesh., Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies , pp.31 , 2008 .
112 Mahmuda Khatun : Unmasking Children’s Reading Ability: Context US Society, Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.29-41 , 2007 .
113 Proffesor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Emergence of Satellite Television and Enigmatic Geo-political Strategy of Bangladesh government., Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology, , vol.Vol. 4, No. 1 , no.January 2007 , 2007 .
114 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Mashiur Rahman 3. A.B.M. Nazmul Islam Khan : Men and Women’s Unmet Need for Family Planning in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.52 , no.1 , pp.143-165 , 2007 .
115 Md. Jahangir Alam and Taslima Rahman : “Challenges for Slum and Squatter Dwellers for Security and Tenure Problem”, the Journal of Society & Change , vol.1 , no.4 , pp.pp. 29-36 , 2007 .
116 A K M Jamal Uddin and Sumon Dhar : Consumerism: Analyzing the Cultural Deconstruction of Advertisement, LOK PROSHASON SAMOEEKY, (Quarterly Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre) , vol.Vol. 41 , no.December 2006/Agrahayan 1413 , 2006 .
117 Md. Jahangir Alam, Md. Omar Faruk and Taslima Rahman : Boideshik Shahajyo O Tritio Bishyer Onunnoyon: Poriprekkhit Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development, The 'Institute of Social Welfare and Research', University of Dhaka , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.79-96 , 2006 .
118 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Bangali Middle Class and their Imagination of National Identity., Social Science Review, , vol.Vol. 23, No. 2, , no.December 2006 , 2006 .
119 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Middle Class Paradox and the Problem of National Identity in Bangladesh., Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.) , vol.Vol. 51(1), , no.2006 , pp.pp.49-64 , 2006 .
120 Mahmuda Khatun : Feminist Ethnography: The Question of Essentiality, Social Science Review , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.51-61 , 2006 .
121 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Gender and Migration: Theories: An overview, Dhaka university studies Part A , 2006 .
122 Debasish Kumar Kundu, Nasreen and M. K.M. Hossain : The Interrelationship between Poverty, Environment and Sustainable Development: an overview., Bangladesh e-journal of Sociology. , vol.2(3) , pp.59-79. , 2006 .
123 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Importance of Qualitative Method in Media and Educational Research in Bangladesh. In Teacher’s World,, In Teacher’s World , vol.Vol.28-29 , no.2006 , pp.pp.65-74 , 2006 .
124 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : "Intellectual Biography of a Brave Mind, Brave Minds, Issue No. 10/11, November-December-Dia Humanism Institute for Studies in Free Thought (DISF), Ottawa, Canada., , 2006 .
125 Rasheda Irshad Nasir and Ashequa Irshad : Gender and Migration Theories: An Overview, The Dhaka University Studies, December 2005 , pp.129-139 , 2005 .
126 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Generation Gap in Bangladesh: Expectation and Reality, Social Science Review, Dhaka University studies Part D, Vol. 22 No.2 December 2005 , vol.Part D, Vol. 22 No.2 , pp.13-26 , 2005 .
127 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Fatwa and Freedom from Religion in Bangladesh, Brave Minds (the Chronicle of the International Committee to Protect Freethinkers (ICPF), Issue No. 5, February-March -Dia Humanism Research Center (DRC), Ottawa, Canada., , 2005 .
128 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Social Conflicts in Water Sector Projects in Bangladesh”- Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol.21 , no.June 2004 , pp.147-153 , 2004 .
129 Samina Luthfa : Structural Adjustment Policy, Agriculture and Pauperization in Bangladesh, The Social Science Review. The Dhaka University Studies Part D Vol. 12 (1) , 2004 .
130 Samina Luthfa and Lutfur Rahman : Market-led initiatives for Seed production and Product Processing in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy Vol. 20(1) , 2004 .
131 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Sociology and its Implications in the Journal of Arts and Sciences, The University of Asia Pacific. Issue 1, Vol 1, December 2004. , vol.Issue 1, Vol 1 , 2004 .
132 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Analysis of Theoretical Construction in Criminology in the Journal of Arts And Sciences, The University of Asia Pacific. Issue 1, Vol 1, December 2004 , vol.Issue 1, Vol 1 , 2004 .
133 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Shojatikendrikata O Apekhikatabad: Bhin Sanskriti Pathe Samasha O Shambabhona, Dhaka Bishabidhalaya Potrika. No.79, June 2004. , vol.Vol.79 , pp.1-11 , 2004 .
134 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Free Thought Movement in Bangladesh in the 20th Century”, Brave Minds (the Chronicle of the International Committee to Protect Freethinkers (ICPF), Issue No. 3 October-November-Dia Humanism Research Center (DRC), Ottawa, Canada., , 2004 .
135 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Hazard Mitigation in South and Southeast Asia”. In Joseph P. Stoltman, John Lidstone and Lisa M. DeChano (edited) International Perspectives on Natural Disasters: Occurrence, Mitigation and Consequences Springer Scientific, (Formerly Kluwer Academy Publishers), The Netherlands., , 2004 .
136 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 3. “Probiner karma khomota proshenga”, Center for advanced Research in Human Scences, Nibondhomala , vol.Vol. 12 , pp.1-22 , 2003 .
137 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Option for Cyclone Protection in Bangladesh” – The IF Research Group and the I–Rec Research Team, University of Montreal, Canada., , 2002 .
138 আ. ক. ম. জামাল উদ্দীন : সংগঠনে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের তত্ত¡সমূহ: একটি সমীক্ষা [Theories of Decision Making Process in Organisation: An Overview], বাংলাদেশ উন্নয়ন সমীক্ষা, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh , vol.উনবিংশ খন্ড , no.বার্ষিকসংখ্যা ১৪০৮ , 2002 .
139 Professor Dr. Nehal karim : “Dr. Ahmed Sharif: Some Unknown Facts” (in Bangla), Journal of Literature, Department of Bangla, University of Dhaka 44 years , vol.Volume 3 , pp.111-119 , 2002 .
140 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 11. Gender Impact in the Water Sector Programs, Social Science Review Vol. XIX, No.2, December 2002. Pp 339-344, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, Faculty of Social Sciences. , vol.Vol. XIX, No.2 , pp.339-344 , 2002 .
141 ফাতেমা রেজিনা : বাংলাদেমে প্রবীনসমাজ-গবেষণা: সমস্যা ও সম্ভাবনা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , 2002 .
142 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Impact of Satellite Television on the Middle Class in Dhaka City, South Asian Studies, University Manchester, the UK,, , no.June 2002 , 2002 .
143 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Education For All: Making the Right a Reality. In Social Science Review,, , vol.Vol.20, No.2, , no.December 2002 , 2002 .
144 A K M Jamal Uddin : The Martial Regime of General Ershad and theMovementfor Democracy in Bangladesh (1982-1986), A Sociological Perspective. InSocial Science Review[SSR] , vol.Vol. 18, , no.Part-2, No.2 December 2001 , 2001 .
145 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Gender and Organizational Change: A Theoretical Analysis, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.18 , pp.61-66 , 2001 .
146 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 10. Male Muslim Rituals in Bangladesh, Social Science Review Vol. XVIII, No.1, June 2001. Pp 147-156, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, Faculty of Social Sciences. , vol.Vol.XVIII, No.1 , pp.147-156 , 2001 .
147 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Socialist Movement in Bangladesh: 1948-1999 (in Bangla), The Bangla Journal of Dhaka University. , vol.69 , pp.181-193 , 2001 .
148 Mahmuda Khatun 2. A.B.M. Nazmul Islam Khan : Never Married Population in Bangladesh (1901-1991): An Analysis (in Bangla), The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.XX , no.1 , pp.84-100 , 2001 .
149 A K M Jamal Uddin : The Awami League Rule in Bangladesh from1973 to 1975: A Study of Political Sociology, Social Science Review, [SSR] The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol. 17 , no.Part-2 No.2 December 2000 , 2000 .
150 Mahmuda Khatun 2. Kohinoor Akhter Khanam 3. A.B.M. Nazmul Islam Kahn : Towards an Arsenic Free Bangladesh: Analysis of Alternative Options for Safe Water Supply, Social Science Review , vol.17 , pp.76-82 , 2000 .
151 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Participatory Approach as a Tool of Development: In case of Water Sector Program in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-D, Vol. 17 , no.February, 2001 , pp.No. 2: 107-111 , 2000 .
152 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Transforming Traditional Societies in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-D, Vol. 17 , pp.109-112 , 2000 .
153 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : The Role of Anti-Caste Religion in Ancient India: The Case of Buddhism. In Social Science Review,, , vol.Vol.17, No. 2, , no.December 2000 , 2000 .
154 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Relation between Religion and Education in Pre-British India. In Philosophy and Progress, , vol.Vol. XXVIII, , no.December 2000 , 2000 .
155 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : State Capitalism and the Nature of the Guild System of Mauryan India. In Social Science Review, , vol.Vol.17, No.1 , no.June 2000 , 2000 .
156 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : The Role of Mass Media in the LDCs. In Social Science Review,, , vol.Vol. XVI, No.2, , no.December 2000 , 2000 .
157 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Mass Communication for Development and Education: The Case of LDCs, Teacher’s World, Teacher’s World , vol.Vol. 21-23 , no.December 1997- June 2000 , 2000 .
158 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 8. Crime and Deviance, A search for an Alternative Explanation, Social Science, Vol. VI, August 1999: Pp 83 – 110. , vol.Vol. VI , pp.83-110 , 1999 .
159 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 9. Wallace’s Theory and Muslim Rituals: Bangladesh Context, Social Science Review Vol. XVI, No.2, December 1999. Pp 193-200, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, Faculty of Social Sciences. , vol.Vol.XVI. No.2 , pp.193-200 , 1999 .
160 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Dr. Ahmed Sharif: A Scholar and Humanist, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-1, Vol. 56, No. 2 , pp.197-206 , 1999 .
161 ড. মুহাম্মদ হাবিবুর রহমান : অবসরগ্রহণ ও পেনশনঃ পেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ, উচ্চতর সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান গবেষণা কেন্দ্র, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 1999 .
162 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Fundamentalist Challenges in Bangladesh: A Sociological Analysis, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-D, Vol. 16, No. 2 , pp.175-180 , 1999 .
163 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 7. Reproductive Health in Bangladesh: Gender Dimension, Social Science Review Vol. XV, No.1 (1998): Pp 267-277 , vol.Vol.XV. No.1 , pp.267-277 , 1998 .
164 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Equality and Inequality in Education, Philosophy and Progress,, , vol.Vol.XXIV-XXV , no.June-December 1998 , 1998 .
165 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Free Market Economy, Present World System and the Future of the Third World Countries, Samaj Nirikkhon,, Samaj Nirikkhon , vol.No.69 , no.1998 , 1998 .
166 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 5. Marriage Registration Among the Poor Urban Women, Social Science Review Vol. XIV, July – December 1997. , vol.Vol.XIV , 1997 .
167 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 6. “Urbanization and over Urbanization: Bangladesh situation”, Social Science Review Vol. XIV, January – June 1997. , vol.Vol.XIV , pp.205-222 , 1997 .
168 Mahmuda Khatun 2. A.K.M.Nurunnabi : Determinants of Timing of Marriage and Family Formation in Bangladesh: A Multivariate Analysis, Social Science Review , vol.16 , pp.215-232 , 1997 .
169 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Merraige Registration Among the poor Urban Women, Social Science Review , 1997 .
170 Dr. Muhammad Habibur Rahman : Patterns of race and Ethnic Relations Associations: Concepts, Dimensions, Measures, Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka , 1997 .
171 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Development of Nationalism in Asia: A Scenario in Indian Sub-continent, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka, , vol.Part-D, Vol. XIV No. 2: , pp.293-307 , 1997 .
172 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : Problem of Land Ownership under the Mughal Rule in India: Some Critical Observations, Social Science Review, , vol.Vol.XIV, No.2 , no.December 1997 , 1997 .
173 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 3. Aged male and female: A Sociological Study, Social Science Review, Part – D, The Dhaka University, Vol. XIII, Number 1, June 1996 , vol.Part-D, Vol.Xiii , 1996 .
174 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 4. Mahr – A study on Marriage Payments among the Urban Muslim Women, Part – A, The Dhaka University Studies Vol. 53 No.1, June 1996. , vol.Part-A, Vol.53 No.1 , 1996 .
175 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 2. “Nagor Samaj Bigganer Bikash: German abong Chicago school”, The Journal of Social Development, Year 11, No.1, December 1996. Social Welfare and research Institute, University of Dhaka , pp.121-131 , 1996 .
176 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : Aged Male And Female : A Sociologiical Analysis, A Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka. , 1996 .
177 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Disaster in Bangladesh” – The Journal of Natural Hazards” 11(3), Kluwer Academy Publishers, The Netherlands., , 1995 .
178 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 2. Women’s Income, Education and Decision Making Process: A few Observations, Bangladesh Sociological Review, Special Issue, 1995 , pp.57-68 , 1995 .
179 Professor Dr. Zeenat Huda : The Process of Modernisation in Japan, Social Science Review,, , vol.Vol.XII, No.2 , no.December 1995 , 1995 .
180 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Bangladesh Society and Culture: A Historical Perspective, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-D, Vol. XII , pp.No. 1: 1-13. , 1994 .
181 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Bengalee Muslims and the Genesis of Pakistan, The Dhaka University Studies, , vol.Part- A: 51(2) , pp.76-88 , 1994 .
182 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Glimpses of Political Development in East Bengal”, The Journal of Bangla Academy , vol.21(2) , pp.48-56 , 1994 .
183 Professor Dr. nehal Karim : Abdul Karim Sahitya Bisharad and his Time” in Farhad Khan and Syedur Rahman (edited), Abdul Karim Sahitya Bisharad and his Works (in Bangla),, Bangla Academy , pp.125-146 , 1994 .
184 Professor Dr. Nehal karim : Sepoy Mutiny and Social Mutation, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-A, 48(2): 49(1&2): 50(1): , pp.107-114 , 1993 .
185 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : “Disaster Medicine in Bangladesh” Disaster Management, 5(2): 95-96, Surrey, United Kingdom., , 1993 .
186 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Pre-Liberation Cultural Activities in Bangladesh, The Journal of Bangla Academy , vol.19(1) , pp.35-46 , 1992 .
187 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Quest for Cultural Identity of Bengali Muslims, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-A, 48(1) , pp.121-126 , 1991 .
188 Rasheda Irshad Nasir : 1. Role and Status of Urban Working Women: Impact of Earning on Decision making Process., Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, Vol. VIII , vol.Part-D Vol.-8 , 1991 .
189 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim : Nationalism in Theory and History, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-D, 7(1) , pp.109-121 , 1990 .
190 Professor Dr. Nehal karim : Glimpses of Social Change in East Bengal, Bangladesh Sociological Review , vol.3(2) , pp.85-90 , 1988 .
191 Professor Dr. Nehal Karim (Co-author) : Landless Labor & Job Opportunities in Rural areas, ILO Publication , pp.116-134 , 1977 .
192 Salma Akhter : Environmental insecurity, Climate Change and Human Security in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Bangladesh. , vol.vol-31, No-2 , December 2013. .
193 আ. ক. ম. জামাল উদ্দীন and মো. আহমেদুল কবির : কবর: রাজনৈতিক ও সামাজিক প্রেক্ষাপট [Grey-beard Drama : Social and Political Context ], সমাজনিরীক্ষণ [Somaj Nirikkhon], a Bengali Journal, Somaj Nirikkhon Kendra , vol.Vol. 124 , no.January-March 2013 , ২০১৩ .
194 আ. ক. ম. জামাল উদ্দীন : ম্যাক্স ওয়েবারের আমলাতন্ত্রের আদর্শ নমুনা এবং বাংলাদেশে এর প্রাসংগিকতা [The Ideal Type of Bureaucracy by Max Weber and Its Perspective in Bangladesh], সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা , vol.খন্ড ৫ , no.সংখ্যা ৫, পৌষ ১৪১৮ , ২০১১ .
195 আ. ক. ম. জামাল উদ্দীন : সংগঠনে প্রযুক্তির প্রভাব: একটি তাত্তিক আলোচনা [The Impact of Technology in Organisation: A Theoretical Discussion], দর্শন ও প্রগতি , no.No. 1 & 2 January-June and July-December, 2008 , ২০০৮ .
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197 Salma Akhter : Status of Women’s Leadership in Bangladesh: A study on Elected Women UP Members, Pakistan Journal of Women Studies , December 2002 .
198 Lipon Mondal : The Logic of Dispossession: Capitalist Accumulation in Urban Bangladesh, Journal of World-Systems Research (impact factor:#1 journal in the field) , vol.27 , no.2 American Sociological Society , pp.522-544 , 2021 .
199 Lipon Mondal : Social Formation in Bangladesh: An Essay on the Political Economy of the State, Class, and Capitalism, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.59 , no.2 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.343-365 , 2014 .
200 Mahbub Ahmed & Lipon Mondal : Inequality, Poverty and Liquid Marginality in Urban Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.2 Faculty of Social Science , pp.199-214 , 2014 .
201 Lipon Mondal : The Anatomy of Underdevelopment in Bangladesh: Toward an Integrated Framework, Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies , vol.35 Institute of Bangladesh Studies, RU , pp.63-78 , 2012 .
202 Lipon Mondal : Ethos of Development and Underdevelopment in Bangladesh: A Lumpen Manifesto, The Journal of Social Development , vol.24 , no.1 Institute of Social Welfare, Dhaka University , pp.213-258 , 2012 .
203 Lipon Mondal : Modernity in Philosophy and Sociology: An Appraisal with Special Reference to Bangladesh, Progress and Philosophy , vol.51 , no.1-2 Progress and Philosophy , pp.123-160 , 2012 .
204 Mahbub Ahmed & Lipon Mondal : Normative Deprivation in Urban Bangladesh: A Case Study of Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology , vol.6 , no.1 Bangladesh Sociological Society , pp.5-26 , 2009 .
205 Lipon Mondal : Book Review of Seeing the World: How US Universities Make Knowledge in a Global Era, International Journal of Comparative Sociology Sage , pp.1-4 , 2021 .
206 Salma Akhter : Patron-Client Relation: Mutually Supportive or exploitative?, Social Science Review, Bangladesh. , vol.Vol. 26, no. 1 , June 2009 .
207 Salma Akhter, Ashadul Islam : Policy and Implementation Plan for Introducing User Charges in Government Health Facilities in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, Bangladesh , vol.Vol.28, no. 1 , June 20011 .
208 Salma Akhter, Ashadul Islam : Decentralisation of health services in Bangladesh: A proposal based on International Experience, Social Science Review, , vol.Vol. 18, No. 1, , June 2001 .
Conference Proceedings (1)
1 Samina Luthfa "Everything Changed after the 26th: Repression and Resilience against Proposed Phulbari Coal Mine in Bangladesh." QEH Working Paper no. 193 ODID Oxford: Oxford Department of International Development, 2011 .