Degree Name | Group/Major Subject | Board/Institute | Country | Passing Year |
Ph.D. | Arabic Literature | King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia | 2018 |
Masters | Classical Arabic | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 2004 |
Bachelor | Arabic Literature | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 2003 |
Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date |
Member Secretary of the organizing committee | 1st International Conference on the Current Trends in Arabic Language and Literary Studies | University of Dhaka | 05, Jan 2025 | 06-01-2025 |
Member of the Curriculum Design and Stuff Structure Planning Committee for Proposed Arabic Language Institute | Islamic Arabic University | Dhaka | 02, Dec 2023 | 15-02-2024 |
Reviewer | Istanbul Journal of Arabic Studies (ISSN: 2651-5385; e-ISSN: 2687-4504) | Istanbul, Turkey | 28, Jan 2023 | Currently Working |
Member of the Governing body | Centre for Arabic Teaching Training and Research | Dhaka University | 10, Dec 2022 | Currently Working |
Reviewer of Multilingual Pocket Dictionary (Arabic) | International Mother Language Institute | Dhaka | 20, Oct 2022 | 16-05-2023 |
Reviewer | Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies (ISSN: 2583-2859 ( Online ) | DOI: 10.55559/sjaes) | India | 24, Jan 2022 | Currently Working |
Associate Editor | Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies (ISSN: 2583-2859 ( Online ) | DOI: 10.55559/sjaes) | India | 24, Jan 2022 | Currently Working |
Editorial Board Member | The Dhaka University Arabic Journal (Special Centennial Issue) | Dhaka | 01, Jan 2021 | 21-10-2022 |
Reviewer | The Dhaka University Arabic Journal (ISSN: 2308-5509) | Dhaka | 01, Jan 2020 | Currently Working |
Associate Professor | Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 30, Oct 2019 | Currently Working |
Member | Syllabus and Curriculum Reform and Modification Subcommittee, Dept of Arabic, University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 01, Aug 2018 | Currently Working |
Assistant Professor | Department of Arabic , University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 03, Feb 2013 | 29-10-2019 |
Lecturer | Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 25, Sep 2010 | 02-02-2013 |
Lecturer | CENURC, International Islamic University Chittagong | Dhaka Campus | 01, Mar 2009 | 24-09-2010 |
Part-time Lecturer | CENURC, International Islamic University Chittagong | Dhaka Campus | 01, Jan 2008 | 28-02-2009 |
Subject | Description | Research Interest (Goal, Target Indicator) |
Stylistics and Literary Communication Theory | ||
Classical Arabic Literary Theories | ||
Rhetorical Exegesis of Quranic Texts | ||
Arabic Rhetoric | ||
Islamic Propagation Poetry | ||
Classical Prose | ||
Classical Poetry |
Level of Study | Title | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor(s) | Name of Student(s) | Area of Research | Current Completion |
No project/research supervision is found |
Subject | Project Name | Source of Fund | From Date | To Date | Collaboration |
No project/research work is found |
SL | Invited Talk |
No invited talk is found |
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Expire Year |
1 | Asiatic Society of Bangladesh | Associate Member | 2017 |
Book | |
1 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan
الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي وخطبه الوعظية قراءة على ضوء نظرية الاتصال الأدبي.
Riga, LV-1010, Latvia (European Union),: Noor Publishing, 2020 .
2 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan
جامعة داكا تعريفها وتميزها الأكاديمي.
Dhaka: Ashrafia Boi Ghor, 36 Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100, 2012 .
3 |
Dr. Muhammad Abul Hassan and Muhammad Arshadul Hassan
বান্দার প্রতি সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহ-তা'লার নির্দেশসমূহ.
Dhaka: Ashrafia Boi Ghor, 36 Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100, 2012 .
4 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan
الوجيز في تاريخ الخط العربي.
Dhaka: Noon Wal Qolam Publications, 307 Dhaka University Market, Katabon, Dhaka -1000, 2008 .
Journal Article | |
1 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : Towards understanding the nature of digression in the writings of al-Jaahiz: Few pages from the introductory chapter of Kitaab al-Bayaan wa al-Tabyeen, the book of eloquence and exposition as a model,
Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies , vol.1 , no.4 Sprin Publisher, India , pp.1-14 , 2022
2 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : حاضر طريقة تدريس الشعر العربي القديم في قسم العربية بجامعة داكا وضرورة تبنّي مقاربة جديدة: اقتراح طريقة جديدة لتدريس الشعر العربي القديم على ضوء منهج كتاب"قراءة في الأدب القديم" لمحمد محمد أبي موسى (تطبيق جزئي للمنهج المقترح على دالية زهير بن أبي سلمى أنموذجا),
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.23 , no.26 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.65-84 , 2022
3 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : نظريات السرد الحديثة لوالاس مارتن: عرض ومناقشة,
مجلة كاليكوت (Dept. of Arabic, University of Calicut. Kerala, India) , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.21-35 , 2020
4 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : فلسفة نفعية الشعر من خلال كتاب منهاج البلغاء وسراج الأدباء لحازم القرطاجني: دراسة تأصيلية تحليلية,
المجلة العربية , vol.21 , no.23 , pp.47-60 , 2020
5 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : المسرح الملحمي عند بريخت ومسرحيته "دائرة الطباشير القوقازية": بين النظرية والتطبيق,
مجلة العاصمة Refereed Annual Research Journal, Department of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram - 695034, Kerala, India (impact factor:2.88) , vol.12 , no.December , pp.179-185 , 2020
6 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : قنديل أم هاشم ليحيى حقي: دراسة في الرؤية والأسلوب,
المجلة العربية , vol.20 , no.22 , pp.27-52 , 2019
7 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : القوافي بين السلامة والمخالفة في شعر الأخلاق والوعظ في العصر الأموي: دراسة فنية,
مجلة العاصمة (Dept. of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India) (impact factor:2.2) , vol.11 , pp.164-168 , 2019
8 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : شعر الوعظ في العصر الأموي: الذات الشاعرة والرؤية التكوينية,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , pp.7-22 , 2018
9 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : ظاهرة "الوحدة العضوية" في شعر الأخلاق والوعظ في العصر الأموي: دراسة تحليلية,
Biannual Research Journal for the Postgraduate Students of Arabic Language & Literature, Dep. of Arabic Language and Literature, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.53-73 , 2018
10 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : إشكالية مفهومي "أدب الدعوة الإسلامية" و"الأدب الإسلامي": نحو مقاربة تأصيلية لاستجلاء أهم الأبعاد والفروق,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.18 , no.20 , pp.83-102 , 2017
11 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : خطب الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي الوعظية: دراسة في ضوء نظرية الاتصال الأدبي,
At-Tajdid A refereed Arabic Biannual, International Islamic University Malaysia (impact factor:1.3) , vol.20 , no.40 , pp.135-167 , 2016
12 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : الرؤية والأداة في قصيدة "رحل النهار" لبدر شاكر السياب: دراسة تحليلية على ضوء المنهج الاجتماعي,
Majallah al-Asimah A Refereed Annual Research Journal (Dept. of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India) (impact factor:1.2) , vol.8 , pp.45-54 , 2016
13 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : ظاهرة غياب وحضور المسرح العربي: دراسة نظرية تحليلية تاريخية,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18-19 , pp.59-73 , 2016
14 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : رواية "خاتم" لرجاء محمد عالم: دراسة على ضوء المنهج البنائي التكويني,
مجلة البحوث العربية Dept. of Arabic, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh , vol.4-5 , no.2016-17 , pp.265-271 , 2016-2017
15 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : التخييل الشعري ودوره في التوجيه الأخلاقي عند حازم القرطاجني: دراسة نظرية وتحليلي,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , pp.5-15 , 2014
16 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : بعض تراجم القرآن البنغالية المعاصرة: دراسة نقدية على ضوء منهجية ترجمة القرآن,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , pp.123-142 , 2013
17 |
Md. Masum Sarker and Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : أضواء على دراسة التفسير الكبير للإمام الرازي: رؤية منهجية لاستكشاف معالم المدرسة العقلية في التفسير,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , 2012
18 |
Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : تصوير البلاغة النبوية في كتاب البيان والتبيين للجاحظ: دراسة وتقويم,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.14 , 2011
19 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : مظاهر الإيقاع الداخلي في شعر الأخلاق الأموي: دراسة فنية,
Journal of Oriental Studies , no.39 Istanbul University , pp.161-181 , 2021
20 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : همزية عمر بن أبي ربيعة (حدّث حديث فتاة حي...إلخ): بين السياق النفسي الاجتماعي والسياق اللغوي,
The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.22 , no.24 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.21-36 , 2021
21 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : آليات تشكيل الصورة الفنية في شعر الأخلاق والفضائل في العصرالأموي دراسة تحليلية,
Journal of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences , no.3 Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Istanbul, Turkey , pp.306-339 , 2021
22 |
Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : أسلوب التوكيد في شعر الأخلاق في العصر الأموي: دراسة في البنية والدلالة,
Jil Journal of Literary Studies , no.74 JIl Scientific Research Centre, Lebanon - Tripoli , pp.63-76 , 2022
Conference Proceedings | |
1 |
the 3rd annual international Qur’Énic conference held at University Malaya, Malaysia on March the 13th in 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: University Malaya, 2013
Award Type | Title | Year | Country | Description |
Local | Best Article Award | 2022 | Bangladesh | Present by the University of Dhaka in the Research Publication Fare held on 22-23 October 2022 for publisihg an article in the special issue of The Dhaka University Arabic Journal to celebrate the centenary of the University. |
International | Certificate of Excellence | 2015 | Saudi Arabia | Given by the Deanship of Student Affairs, King Abdulaziz University, KSA for obtaining a GPA Excellent during PhD coursework in both successive semesters of the academic year 2015-2016 |
International | Certificate of Excellence | 2014 | Saudi Arabia | Given by the Deanship of Student Affairs, King Abdulaziz University, KSA for obtaining a GPA Excellent during PhD coursework in both successive semesters of the academic year 2014-2015, |
International | King Abdulaziz Scholarship | 2014 | Saudi Arabia | Given for PhD programme at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA (from February 2014 -May 2018) |
National | University Grants Commission (UGC) scholarship | 2006 | Bangladesh | Given for pursuing M.A. degree in the year 2006 |
National | Prime Minister Gold Medal Award | 2005 | Bangladesh | Given for securing the highest marks in the faculty of Arts in Hons exam held in 2005. |
International | international Qur’anic recitation competition | 1994 | Iran | Placed 10th. |