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Dr. Abul Barkat

The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Research Institute for Peace and Liberty (BSMRIPL) was set up in 2020 to facilitate research on the political vision of the founding father of Bangladesh. We aim to highlight analytically different aspects of his life based on the study of his own works, speeches, letters and archival material relating to him and his associates, and to view his achievements from global as well as national perspectives. A further goal that BSMRIPL has is to relate his ideals and accomplishments to those of other visionaries who contributed to promoting moitri or amity among peoples and gave their lives to secure freedom for those enchained, or marginalized, or discriminated against by unjust systems and oppressive governments. In essence, our core objectives, then are to further our understanding of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s ideals and endeavors academically, placing him thus among other visionaries of peace and liberty and, in the process, enabling advanced thinking about freedom, justice and amity.

It is BSMRIPL’s intention as well to collaborate internationally with other institutes dedicated to leaders and visionaries who have contributed to peace and liberty and have led movements to emancipate their people from tyrannical administrations. We are in the process, too, of admitting students to our M. Phil. and Ph.D. programs who intend to do research work and earn degrees relating to Bangabandhu’s life and works in particular, and visionaries of peace and liberty in general. To this end, we are building up our library resources through acquisition of books, journals and archival materials.

We aim, as well, to arrange annual international conferences relating to our vision and mission. As well, we have been given the responsibility of awarding the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Research Medal every year. Finally, we will continue doing what we have been doing since we began to function as an institute—organize monthly lectures on themes relating to our mission and then publish them in a volume collecting the lectures at the end of every academic year.

We will be posting news about our activities on our website regularly; do keep visiting this site and participating in events that we will be organizing, either on campus or virtually.